2020-06-02 Update - COVID-19 - Day 47 - Conversations

2020-06-02 Update - COVID-19 - Day 47 - Conversations

Good Evening,

At the end of this communication, I have included important updates on Distance Learning and the end of the school year; however, since our last update students have been asking questions, by email, in Google Meets, and through their work. They see what is happening in our country and they, like all of us, are reacting.

As a community, when we developed the most important core values that defined us, we focused on only five. The first of those five is that, in our district, we value:

  • adaptable citizens who act with integrity and compassion, modeling excellence, courage, inclusion, and equity.

Each of those words was purposely chosen to represent what we aspire to be, what we hope our children will become. Now, many of our students are, in their own words, questioning if our larger community, our country, aspires for the same.

We are confronted by a global pandemic unprecedented in our lifetime, that is threatening our lives and our livelihood. We are confronted with acts across our country that are clearly against the values we, in BRRSD, have set. We are faced with great challenge. Within the noise of 24-hour news cycles and social media, we are more separated socially and politically than ever. Many are afraid to speak about issues and ideas openly. We struggle to have a national dialogue, even in the face of a pandemic.

More than ever, we need dialogue and our strategic language says that “We will not ignore problems and avoid challenges.” To that end, we continue to create the safe spaces our students need to engage; to challenge them; to hear their concerns, their beliefs, and questions; to help them find the facts and to think. When they need emotional support, we connect them with our trained professionals and with community resources. 

We need people to have conversations and to take responsible action. To that end, always to that end, our staff continues to work with all members of the entire BRRSD community so that we can, together, all realize the values that we worked so hard to define.

We are committed to our mission: We will teach them, One and All… So one day They will take the lead.

If you have questions, concerns, or ideas, please reach out to your educators. We are sharing just a few of the many resources that may help families navigate these difficult conversations.
Please stay safe and well.


Distance Learning Updates:

  • Schools will be closed this Friday, June 5, 2020 as it is our final giveback day. Distance Learning will resume on Monday, June 8, 2020.
  • Updates on procedures for the end of the year will continue to come from our building principals. This includes:
    • Calendar for Graded Work/Report Cards
    • Exchange of materials/belongings
    • Promotion/Graduation Events
    • Planning for Possible Summer Events

Russell Lazovick
Superintendent of Schools

View all District communication regarding the Coronavirus